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A note about quotes

A free glimpse of excellent service

Lioness Translation’s quotes are always free.

Quoted rates are binding for one month, assuming that the document in question has not changed. The price is based on the number of words in your text, plus words in any images that need translating/correcting.

Lioness works closely with clients to accommodate tight deadlines. However, if several weeks go by between your initial quote request and the job being confirmed, Lioness Translation may have accepted other pieces in the meantime.

Given this “first come, first served” approach, I usually ask clients to confirm/cancel quoted jobs as soon as a decision is made on their side, to make sure Lioness can be available to meet any tight deadlines.

There is a minimum fee of £20 for any translation, though very small texts (e.g. just a couple of lines) can be combined as a single job to avoid this.

Please note that for large translation jobs spanning more than a month, Lioness Translation reserves the right to request payment in monthly instalments.

Thank you for consulting Lioness!

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